My Belly Fat Cure

A compilation of thoughts while transitioning myself to a healthier me. I am following Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure plan 12 week live coaching program. My goal is to lose at least 70 pounds.

Down 6 pounds

I am officially down 6 pounds as of today. It doesn't feel like the weight is coming off as fast but I can definitely feel the difference. My pants are looser and I have much more energy than before. It doesn't seem like I'm wanting that afternoon nap anymore.

For some reason my weight seems to fluctuate a lot during the day. Around 2-3 pounds. Could it be the false belly fat? Or just what I'm eating hasn't been digested. Strange.

I've put away the scale during the week so that I don't discourage myself. Only once a week weighing certainly will show what's going on.

Also, I have to say that every recipe that I've tried from Jorge's menus have been excellent. I am rather picky, don't like strange things, and they all fit my tastes. I'll start to post some reviews soon.

Found a web site to order the Nature's Hollow products for a low shipping cost. After I receive my order, I'll post the link if they are timely. I hate to post something without knowing their service.


  1. Do you mind if I ask your starting weight? Im also 40, started wk1 at 193. And I gave up my Coke Zero habit and totally trying to get rid of the artificial sweeteners too! We have a lot in common aside from the Belly Fat Cure, twitter and blogs! LOL! I added you to my Blog Roll on the side. I thought it would nice to reference each other!

    On comments you dont have Name/URL as an option. My Belly Fat Cure is Me & Jorge

  2. Thanks Amber. My starting weight was 238, ew! I am 5'11 so I can tolerate a little more, but certainly not that much!

  3. Im 5'4. Sounds like you are doing great! Ive been watching the motivational stuff this week on Jorge's website. Its good stuff.

  4. Hey there! I'm super excited about your blog! I also have been following the Belly Fat Cure but i'm not in the coaching program so I feel like i'll be slightly "blind" until the book comes out. Any chance you wouldn't mind posting some of the meal ideas Jorge's been giving you? Doesn't even have to be the whole recipe, just meal ideas..i'm a 20 something and I never know what to eat that's simple and quick besides pitas and sandwiches lol :) Best of luck and i'll be following your blog for sure! I'm so excited about the BFC!!
