My Belly Fat Cure

A compilation of thoughts while transitioning myself to a healthier me. I am following Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure plan 12 week live coaching program. My goal is to lose at least 70 pounds.

Why does this not feel like a Diet?

Jorge Cruise keeps saying to all of us, this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. Everytime I sit down to a meal, I think "it sure doesn't feel like I should be able to eat this" Today at lunch I made a pizza on a whole wheat pita bread. I had pepperoni, cheese, some low sugar spag. sauce (Gia Russa) Yummy. and a little green pepper. This is like heaven. My husband and I eat our meals together, we both can't believe that we can eat this good and still feel so great and lose weight at the same time (he has none to lose, he's more excited that his washboard is starting to show :P )

Every recipe I try is even better than the one before. Completely amazing. My husband looked at this weeks steak taco recipe picture, his response was "why can't we buy shells that are that good" Mine was, "it is how you prepare it" and it's true. Can't wait to see the cooking demo on those so I can wow my husband.

I still have yet to go into my kid's Halloween candy, why is that? I just don't care to have it. Really, it's true. Before, at least half of the chocolate would have been mine. Go Figure.

So things are going great. Still need to figure out more dinner options for the whole family. Tonight is steak, and everybody loves that!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you 100%! This week did not feel like eating on a diet at all. So Im curious to see my weigh in tomorrow...

    On the tacos try doing them like he did w/ the chicken tacos. Put them in a skittle and let the cheese melts and the outside get a touch crispy. I make tacos/fajitas all the time and Jorge has me totally changing how I do them! Loving your blog!
